Thursday, March 5, 2009

Normal is...

For Mama Kat's Writing assignment.... Thanks Lindsey!

Normal is...
Unusual. When I was very young I always thought that I was NORMAL. Then as I got older and into school where kids talk about their families and lives I realized that my family was far from the idea of Normal that the people around me had. I grew up an only child in a world of Siblings. I grew up without a Father in a world of mother/father families. I grew up in a townhouse in a world of Single family homes. I grew up without a Yard and all my friends had grass and swingsets. I grew up with a working mother who had to put me in daycare in a world of SAHM's. I realized quickly that I was an Odd-ball or as my mother told me UNIQUE. Normal for me NOW is all the things I didn't have... I am a SAHM living in a Single family home with acreage and a swingset. I live there with the Father of my son and we want at least 2 more children. Now I know that NORMAL IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT!!!!!


KatBouska said...

Thanks for joining! I think you're right. Normal is an individual feeling and probably different for everyone. How interesting that your life did a complete 180 though!

CDB said...

I totally agree, normal is what you make it, and the choices we make. It's also different for everyone!

Thanks for swinging by earlier!!

Anonymous said...

I was raised by my dad and we lived with my grandparents. I know what you mean about not being like everybody else! I'd never complain about what I did have because my childhood was awesome but I'm definantly enjoying doing all the things that I didn't get as a child.

Jami said...

You know what? I'm glad I was part of your "unique" life! I loved going to your house and thought you were the lucky one (I love that dollhouse thing you had, with all the itty bitty animals in it...) and all the Precious Moments you had... I had friends who's mom's worked, and mine didn't. I had friends with one or no siblings, I had EIGHT. Normal is what you make it, you're absolutely right. And what a great "normal" we all had, right? Wouldn't change it for anything.