Saturday, August 23, 2008

for Lindsay

Hey this is just to show Lindsay that YES I do check my blog and I do update it more than she says. Love you linseed! I am hanging out its 12 am and I am WIDE AWAKE!!! Thank goodnes for the internet. I just wish someone would show me how to make my blog page cooler and have my friends blogs listed on there (hint, hint, Linds and Erica) Well Goodnight!


Lindsay said...

Ha ha ha! I love you tons Robyn! To add links to friends pages, you go to edit, then add page element. It's listed in that section, and it's pretty easy once you get there. Let me know if you need more help! Give Cannon a hug for me!

PS-Can your Mom use her discount on online purchases? We're thinking of getting Sienna the Giselle costume for Halloween, but it's pricey! We'd love her help...if she could help...

Lindsay said...

Nevermind! We decided to go ahead and let Sienna be what she wanted most for Halloween...High School Musical's Gabriella!!