Wow so I had no idea it had been almost a year since I had been on here... Well to catch you all up... In December we found out we were pregnant with baby Brown #2 And Now (10 months later) He is here. Karter Brown joined us in this world on the 20th of August 2010. He is a perfect baby boy and has the best big brother in the world. It makes me so happy to see the love that Cannon has for his little brother because it's a feeling I have never know. I am so happy with my life. here are a few pictures of Karter for you to see, he is the spitting image of Cannon at his age.
Cannon turned 3 on August 16th so just 4 short days before his baby brother came. He is in pre-school 2 days a week now and doing great. He's such a super smart boy. We are so proud of him.
I promise I will be better about writing here.